16th Community Wide Experiment on the
Critical Assessment of Techniques for Protein Structure Prediction

CASP16 in numbers

Number of groups registered2
      including: expert groups1
                      prediction servers 1
Number of tertiary structure prediction targets released14
      (including all-group targets)(14)
Number of multimeric targets released 15
Number of RNA targets released 6
Number of ligand targets released 4

Prediction category
Number of groups/servers contributing
Number of models designated as 1
Total number of models
Tertiary structure 2 / 1 12 13
Assembly (heteromeric) 2 / 1 2 2
Accuracy estimation 1 / 0 3 5
RNA 2 / 1 10 20
Ligand 2 / 1 0 2
All (unique): 2 / 1 38 58

Protein Structure Prediction Center
Sponsored by the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH/NIGMS)
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